Latest News
January 2023:
Release of ArmaCAD V13.0 compatible with AutoCAD 2023 and Bricscad V23.
New floating license system.
January 2022:
Release of ArmaCAD V12.4 compatible with AutoCAD 2022 and Bricscad V22.
September 2021:
Compatibility with BS8666-2020.
September 2020:
Release of ArmaCAD V12.3 compatible with AutoCAD 2021.
November 2019:
ArmaCAD V12.2 is now compatible with Bricscad 20.
October 2019:
Release of Softline V10.1:
Many new switch and crossing possibilities.
August 2019:
OTP is 25 years old!
On this occasion, our new website is now online!
January 2019:
Release of ArmaCAD V12.2 compatible with AutoCAD 2019.
May 2018:
Softline V10 is now compatible with Bricscad 18.
March 2018:
New major version Softline V10: 2D and 3D Earthworks.
February 2018:
ArmaCAD V12.1 is now compatible with Bricscad 18.
September 2017:
New major version Softline V9: Digital moxkup of the tracks in DWG format.
June 2017:
Release of ArmaCAD V12.1 compatible AutoCAD 2018
May 2017:
ArmaCAD is now compatible with Bricscad 17.
January 2017:
New major version ArmaCAD V12 compatible with AutoCAD 2017 and Bricscad 16.
June 2016:
Release of Softline V8.1 compatible AutoCAD 2017.
March 2016:
Windows 10 compatibility for ArmaCAD and Softline.